HomeTeam Pest Defense is having a Sales Conference in San Diego and part of it is a team building event. Nothing like building a team by building a bicycle.

Dirk Korte of HomeTeam Pest Defense is organizing the event with the help of Gordon Klerks of the sponsoring bike shop in San Diego, Bicycle Warehouse. Dirk contacted the USO to identify 7 military children that are in need to receive bikes out of the Goodness of HomeTeam Pest Defenses’ heart that recognizes that children of military serve too. Here is a video link that explain more.

The Sales Meeting starts on December 1st and on December 3rd the children will receive their bikes at the Pest Defense Banquet. The HomeTeam, Bicycle Warehouse, and the USO will honor these children and their families with a fitting tribute and the one thing that represents freedom to a child – a bicycle.